Ficha de investigador/a

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Clara Schmitz-Pranghe

Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC) (Alemania)
Investigador/a en tanque de pensamiento

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Resumen del perfil

Clara graduated in Regional Sciences of Latin America, a course of studies which combines political science, economics, Ibero–American history and Spanish. In her thesis, she examined violence in the post-conflict context of Central America analyzing Central American youth gangs. At BICC, her research focuses on the nexus between conflict and displacement and the role of diaspora organizations in peace processes. Currently, she conducts research on return and reintegration as well as on local integration of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) and conducted field research in Ecuador and Peru, Uganda, Thailand and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Áreas de investigación

Área general Subáreas (Áreas específicas)
Derechos humanos y derecho internacional humanitario
  • Derechos económicos, sociales y culturales
  • Derecho internacional humanitario
  • Derechos fundamentales
  • Justicia de género
Desarme, desmovilización y reintegración
  • Migración y desplazamiento forzado
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