Ficha de investigador/a

Richard Georgi
University of Gothenburg (Suecia)
Profesor/a investigador/a universitario/a
Mapa de la institución
Correo electrónico
Resumen del perfil
In my doctoral research project, I study human rights activism in Colombia during the peace process with the FARC-EP. Previously, I have conducted research on human rights, businesses, social mobilization, and activism in Latin America, particularly in Mexico and Colombia. My general research interest concern: theory of human rights, post/de-colonial theory, conflict studies, discourse theory, and ethnographic field work
Áreas de investigación
Área general | Subáreas (Áreas específicas) |
Arte, cultura y paz |
Derechos de las víctimas |
Derechos humanos y derecho internacional humanitario |
Movimientos y luchas sociales |
Negociación y procesos de paz |